Hemtt Wrecker A4 Parts Manual
I've found all of them, many from Igor's excellent site and a few from elsewhere. I've tried to upload them to the TM section here but the attachments were rejected. I'm not sure if it's something I'm doing wrong or if they're too big or maybe SS's server was having a brain fart that day.
Jon What I recall when I tried to upload the TM's for the MK48 is that it wasn't the size of the files, it was that I didn't have the necessary permissions to upload to the TM section. I got them to Patracy & he got them linked up. Jon, I'd be interested in comparing notes to see if there are some I'm missing or if there are versions with different dates.

M977 Hemtt For Sale
Here is the list of what I have TM-9-2320-279-10-HR HEMTT 2009 TM-9-2320-279-20-1 and -2 and -3 1987 TM-9-2320-279-24P-1 and -2 1998 supersedes 9-2320-279-20P, 9-2320-279-34P-1 and -2 TM-9-2320-279-34-1 and -2 and -3 1987 TM-9-2320-338-10 M977A4 2008 TM-9-2320-339-10 M978A4 2008 TANKER missing -340-10 M983A4 TM-9-2320-341-10 M983A4 LET 2008 TM-9-2320-342-10-2 M984A4 2008 WRECKER TM-9-2320-343-10 M985A4 2008 TM-9-2320-345-10 M1120A4 LHS 2008 TM-9-2815-224-34-&-P Detroit 8V92 WOW! I just saw Castle Bravo's post come in while I was taking care of some other stuff -that is impressive! I guess I'll post my puny list anyway in case it fills in a gap. Man, Castle Bravo is the King! I don't have that many, but I have all of the M977 series, skipping the A4 and the ones that are only for the M984. Basically I only give a crap about the ones that are for my truck. I do have TM 9-2320-432-10 M985 Operator's Manual.
M984a4 Hemtt Wrecker Bii
I currently am still active duty and have LOGSA/LIW access. As such, I have access to all of the following for you: TM 9-2320-431-10-1 M984 Operator's Manual (1 of 2) TM 9-2320-431-10-2 M984 Operator's Manual (2 of 2) TM 9-2320-432-10 M985 Operator's Manual TM 9-2320-433-10 M985E1 Operator's Manual TM 9-2320-434-10 M1120 Operator's Manual TM 9-2320-435-10 M1977 Operator's Manual However I can't get the 9-2320-279 series, as they have combined those into an IETM which I can't download on my government computer. I haven't seen the 9-2320-279-10s on here yet, or perhaps I haven't looked hard enough. I'll work to upload these, if you'd be able to asdd the 2 279-10s you currently have as well.
Hemtt Wrecker Weight
EDIT: Aaaand I forgot to look at the rest of the thread.lol.

If you've ordered the HEMTT A4's universal annual service kit, NSN. Get those missing parts by calling Oshkosh's Alyssa Raymond at (920) 235-9151, extension 25519. Your HEMTT is ready to go as long as you've got the right technical manuals. M984A1 wrecker (Volumes 1 & 2), TM 9-2320-431-10-1.