Learning Links Inc Study Guide For Holes
BMIs economical, reproducible study guides to accompany the paperback novel. Each novel has been selected because of its great appeal to students, its literary quality, and its classroom value. The guides provide questions and activities based on Blooms Taxonomy that will develop improved understanding, appreciation and literary skills. Teachers have used them successfully to develop active readers with whole classes, in reading groups and as enrichment for the gifted.

Literature Circle Guide: Holes by Tonya Ward Singer. New York • Toronto • London • Auckland • Sydney. Scholastic Inc. Grants teachers permission to photocopy the reproducibles from this book for classroom use. Personal experiences, and make connections to. Discussion falters, as this is a learning experience. Study Guide for Holes Holes study guide contains a biography of Louis Sachar, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Use Novel-Ties ® study guides as your total guided reading program. Novel-Ties Teachers’ Guides provide questions and activities based on Bloom’s Taxonomy that will develop improved understanding, appreciation and literary skills.
Holes Free Study Guide And Worksheets
For sample pages and to find out what is in a Novel-Tie please visit our page. You will receive a pdf file that you may print out, the purchase of this guide entitles one end user to use this guide. If you require a license for your entire school please contact us.
Use Novel-Ties ® study guides as your total guided reading program. Novel-Ties Teachers’ Guides provide questions and activities based on Bloom’s Taxonomy that will develop improved understanding, appreciation and literary skills. Teachers have used Novel-Ties successfully to develop active readers with whole classes, in reading groups and as enrichment for the gifted. Each teachers’ guide is only $16.95. Novel-Ties Study Guides contain: For the Teacher. Synopsis.

Background Information. Pre-reading Activities. Post-reading Activities. Bibliography of Related Books. Answer Key.
Reproducible Pages For the Student. Chapter-by-chapter Format. Cloze Activity. Comprehension Questions. Cross-curricular Activities. Graphic Organizers. Literature Circles.
Learning Links Inc Answers
Literary Devices. Writing Activities. Vocabulary Skills.