S 6 Loom Instruction Manual

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  1. Round Loom Instructions For Beginners

Leclerc Weaving Loom Manuals Leclerc Loom Manuals After over a century of making products for weavers, Leclerc Looms have produced a wide variety of products. This constantly growing collection of documention provides information on the assembly and modification of the Weaving Looms and Accessories produced by the company over the years. We hope it helps you identify and keep your Leclerc products operating! Not Sure What Leclerc Loom You Have? Check out our to determine which model of Leclerc loom you have.

Note that there can be many versions of the looms over the years and we can help identify which model it is. Need Repair or Upgrade Parts? Check out our extensive list of to keep your loom operating! Note that part numbers may change over the years but we can help you make sure you get the right components for your loom. Do you have a Manual that's not here? We want to be a complete source of information on Leclerc products but we are missing some documentation.

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I’ve woven on Norwood looms since 1973. The Mc Garr’s were the owners, the husband build the beautiful Cherry looms and accessories and his wife Melvina taught weaving. I took a week long class she offered back then in Baldwin MI. I have had four Norwood’s in the intervening years. I have a 40 inch 8 shaft now that was built in Fremont MI.

The McGarr’s sold the loom company to them. The booklet is from the Fremont owners. Last bit of Norwood history I promise. The Fremont company sold the loom company to Webb’s who decided to have it built in the Netherlands in Birch. Now sadly they are no longer being built.

As for threading I usually unfasten all the wing nuts and lay the legs down. Lay the beater down in front of the loom and then tilt the front of the loom down You can easily thread from there.

The back beam holds the treads at a good angle to start threading. Could the chain be someones modification to hold the beater for sleying? Can you send me a picture of the chain and the whole.

I can send you a picture of me threading the norwood, can’t seem to find it on my blog but I did have one that was on facebook. Le.fibernut (at) gmail.com Thanks. I’d say over 80% the looms made by the McGarrs in Baldwin and when the looms were made in Fremont were made out of Cherry. The only light colored looms were made when Webs owned the company and they were made out of country. Usually there is a plaque on the side of norwood looms that says their name and where the loom was made. It could have been removed by the previous owner.

I have some pictures of norwood looms online on my blog hope those help. What size is the loom and how many shafts.

They usually only made 4 shaft, 6 treadle or 8 shaft, 10 treadle. I haven’t seen any variation on that over the years. Good luck and they are nice looms. I could try to upload some picts. It’s a 4 shaft 6 treadle. Width is about 45 inches I believe.

Has 10.5 inch (11 in total length) heddles. Has a sectional beam as the back beam, chain tie ups. It doesn’t have a plaque or identifying marker of any kind that I can find. But it’s identical to the Norwood I’ve seen in photos and the manual above. It’s not as dark as some of the cherry wood norwoods I’ve seen in photos but it’s definitely not birch. And it’s a darker hardwood.

I am excited to see if this is the brand, the person I bought from didn’t have any details. I just stumbled on to your website. I “am” a McGarr. I worked with my cousin Karen in the Norwood Loom-Weaving & gift shop back in the 1960-1970’s. We were weaving as kindergartners. I think my grandma would brag us up to increase curiosity about learning to weave. Every summer we would work in my grandparents (artist) consignment gift shop.

In the evenings, we would thread many looms for my Grandma’s weaving classes. It was such a great opportunity that most kids our age missed. I am now 60 years old.

What wonderful memories! I am going to look at and purchase my first loom ever, 48in, Four Harness, with bench warping board, and many other extras for $500. From the pics it looks to be in great condition.

I have never weaved before on anything outside of a rigid heddle 16″ loom during a weaving class I took. It was the best. I never thought I would run into such a gem, although intimidated by it all.

I am replying to you comment because I have a 12 year old daughter that I want to also get into weaving. And your childhood memory caught me and I want to pass this off similarly to my daughter (the loom set-up especially). What a marvelous idea and way to get her interested. I will be weaving on from your old memories and traditions.

If you have a tension box then yes you can use the spool stand. If not there are plans floating around the internet on how to build a tension box. If you have chairs or an upside down table you can use that to wind your warp after measuring of course. Warping pegs clamp to a table and can be used to wind a warp as well.

Sley hooks are cheaply obtained from any of the suppliers or you could open a paper clip and use that in a pinch. I go between using a threading hood and doing it with my fingers so that is also an un necessary item. I live in Medford, WI. It’s between Wausau & Eau Claire.

I have a Norwood back beam. I have 26 spools, only 6 are full spools. Ago someone threaded it for me & I made some rugs. That would be quite a trip for you, time & expense. I would be more than honored to have your help & direction. I’m trying to get help from a woman I met a couple months ago. She has a couple old looms that were her grandmothers but they have the back sectional beams.

I may be able to get help from her & save you the trip. I’ll let you know how it goes. I’m reading books but need to see it & actually do it. Thank you, Gail H.

I am purchasing a 22″ Norwood loom with a sectional beam. My story is interesting. I’m from White Cloud, MI about 14mi south of Baldwin, MI. I never knew about the McGarrs. But spent lots of time in Baldwin growing up. I always dreamed of spinning and weaving, but never pursued it. I moved to TN in 2008 and since living here have become friends with women in the spinning and weaving field.

I purchased my first wheel last year and continued to desire to weave. While at a yarn shop I met a woman who offered to loan me her table top loom and teach me to weave.

While spending time together I shared where I’m from in Michigan and she said she had a Norwood loom made by a man from Baldwin, MI. I visited her home and fell head over heals in love with her loom. She has the bench that came with it, the loom manual, the original sales receipt from the original owner (she’s the 3rd owner) and a receipt showing 10 weaving lessons with Melvina McGarr. It was like a spiritual journey for me. She has offered to sell it to me. I’m so excited I cannot stop thinking about it. I’m now searching for information on Mr McGarr and his loom business.

Owning this loom completes my personal circle. Hej, reading your discussion with BIG intrest. I am a swedish weaver and are looking for a new loom. Toika is a well known finnish company constructing weaving looms. They also sell their looms at “the woolery” in the US.

When I lately looked up Toika’s homepage again Icould see “Norwood Jack Loom from Toika” – here is the link:. I only could see that information on finnish and english. I thought it very intresting because in Europe we usually do not weave on Jack Looms. I will try to find out if Toika is still manufacturing the “Norwood Loom” Kind regards, Crio. I have a 4 shaft Norwood sectional loom I bought used 2 years ago.

Round Loom Instructions For Beginners

I took the crafts class but have been too intimidated to start and the weaver I bought it from doesn’t have time to give lessons. Thanks to you posting the manual, I found how to warp without the spoil rack, but I’m stuck on how to tie the yarn chain onto the back beam. I’m confused with all these cords. The way mine are tied on don’t allow to pull them off and tie to the chain. Any advice on this?

I’m contemplating just tying to the pegs. Deflected double weave shawl Close up of Shawl Woven words ” Oh Boy, Baby Boy 24 shaft wordas Towel from “Exploring multi shaft design” V Shawl Spun and woven in Perendale and mohair Bedford cord woven wine tote Bedford cord wine tote, black and white. Read all over 1st deflected woven scarf close up of the fabric Free form Peyote bracelet lamp worked bead and beaded necklace. All made by me Tatted and beaded bracelet.

Earrings to match The title shibori woven scarf for a series of scarves. 2nd in series of Shibori woven scarves Rainbow shibori scarf 3rd in series Last shibori woven scarf in the rainbow series.

Woven in Diversified Plain Weave. Chenille vest Scarf display Weaving helper cat. Daisy Sniff sniff what is this going to be?

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