Shark 260 Manual

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Shark Manual Vacuum Cleaner

Bandsaw, MEP Model Shark 260 S/No. 136321, Mfg 2003, Approx 300mm Width and 140mm Height Capacity, Manual Screw Clamping with Quick Release, Swivel Base for Mitre Cutting, 25mm Wide Cutting Blade, 415 Volt Plug in, Inbuilt Coolant Supply, Fitted Shark Control Box and MEP Variable Speed Cut Control System together with 54 Unused Spare Blades, Manuals Included (Located at 43 Anderson Road, Mortdale NSW) (153717-6) GST Note: GST will be added to the final bid price of this item.

GST will be added to the buyers premium. Credit Card / PayPal surcharge fee may apply. This Sale is Pick Up Only from Various Locations in NSW These Assets are Used therefore Inspection is Highly Recommended Prior to Bidding, Description & Photos Should Be Used as a Guide Only Collection of assets is the responsibility of the purchaser. Delivery is not available. Asset packaging and removal are the purchasers responsibility in the time frame specified for this sale. Goods not collected within this time frame will be deemed abandoned.

ALL ASSETS IN THIS SALE ARE SOLD AS IS Invoice totals exceeding $5000 must be paid by direct deposit A Buyers Premium of 13.5% + GST applies to all lots purchased in this auction. By registering and bidding you have agreed to our terms and conditions of sale. If necessary please familiarise yourself with them prior to bidding on items in this sale.

Graysonline will not be organising transport of goods. Please consider this prior to bidding. BUYERS PLEASE NOTE:. Collection of assets is the responsibility of the purchaser.

Inspection of the assets is highly recommended. Bids on assets in this sale should be made based on your inspection and assessment of the goods. Descriptions and photographs should be used as a guide only.

If you are unsure do not bid as no refunds will be given. Staff are onsite for security purposes only. Please make sure you have people to help you load your items and right transport. Items must be inspected before removal from site as refunds or exchange are not given under any circumstances. Pick ups are not allowed outside of the dates/times specified. Guillotine, LVD Model HST-C 13/6 (Belgium) Mfg 7/2003, S/No.

This Sale is GST Exclusive This Sale has a 13.5% Buyers Premium ie Successful Bid Price is $100 + 13.5% Buyers Premium = $113.50 + 10% GST = $124.85 Product Condition - Please refer to the individual lot description for product condition. Most lots have pictures assigned to them. These should be taken as a guide only. Payment - Invoice totals exceeding $5000 must be paid by direct deposit within 2 days of auction closing. Payment for invoices exceeding $5000 may also be made onsite via bank cheque. Contact for an exact invoice total. Please note that personal or company cheques will not be accepted.

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Shark 260 Manual

Bidding History Bid History Bidding Details Bid Time Bid Price Bid Qty Win Qty W.W - Miranda NSW AU $1,859 1 1 j.m - picnic point NSW AU $1,849 1 0 A.B - MCDOUGALLS HILL NSW AU $1,539 1 0 J.C - Coffs Harbour NSW AU $1,399 1 0 c.K - MENAI NSW AU $1,389 1 0 D.S - Wollongbar NSW AU $1,139 1 0 r.s - toukley NSW AU $859 1 0 R.G - Tongala VIC AU $809 1 0 D.R - south nowra NSW AU $569 1 0 Z.V - Bell Post Hill VIC AU $519 1 0 R.M - Port Macquarie NSW AU $489 1 0 J.Y - Lithgow NSW AU $149 1 0 n.c - Hazelbrook NSW AU $29 1 0 B.K - Holder ACT AU $9 1 0.

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