Tc55da New Holland Manual

  1. New Holland Tc55da Service Manual

TC23DA TC26DA TC48DA TC55DA. TC25 TC29 TC33 TC25D TC29D TC33D. TC31DA TC34DA. TC35 TC40 TC45. BEST New HOLLand Tractor Service Manual. New Holland 8160 8260 8360 8560 Tractor Workshop Service Repair Manual # 1 Top Rated Download. New Holland TC48DA TC55DA Tractor On this site you can buy repair books for tractors, combines, wheel loaders, skid-steer loaders, hydraulic excavators, backhoe loaders, crawler tractors and another agri & construction machinery. Get free Tractor Data and more for the New Holland Boomer TC55DA right here! Instant online access to serial number info, paint codes, capacities, weights and.

This is the total illustrated master parts listing manual for New Holland design TC55DA Compact Tractor. This parts directory publication consists of comprehensive parts explosions, took off views, and also break downs of all part numbers for all facets of these TC55DA New Holland small tractors, including in-depth engine parts break downs.

Just got this tractor, 90 hours on meter, starts and runs fine, really like it, BUT. There is this sound whenever I first start it up that sounds like hydraulic fluid going through the system with air in it. Sort of like running the water faucets after having the water turned off and drained in your house. Is this a normal sound I should expect to hear.

I am experienced with hydraulics and the sound really doesn't 'scare me' any, just wondering if this is a normal condition. Bought the tractor used with a loader, front brush guard, THREE rear remotes, 4X4, EHSS for 22,850. It did not come with any manuals though, so I'm having to figure some things out on my own. I'm getting a manual soon Next question, I am becoming familiar with the EHSS feature but sometimes find myself using the foot 'clutch'. I have heard that this really isn't a 'clutch' per se' but an 'inching pedal'. Whenever I use the foot pedal, the tractor sort of jerks when it is engaging (unless I really feather it), is this also narmal due to the EHSS? Last one, the bucket hydraulics.

When I back drag the bucket doesn't 'hold' it's position. It seems like there is air in the loop, which could be connected to the first question. Whenever I dump the bucket it dumps so far and then just goes 'limp' like there is no hydraulic pressure forcing it to go on and dump all the way.

Has any one had similar problems? Thanks in advance for your replies.

I know what you are talking about as my tractor had the same hydraulic noise problems when I got it. Came to find out, that the hydraulic oil was 2.5 gallons short. Pull the orange dipstick in the middle of the floor. When you sit on the tractor, just look down. Can't miss it.

The inching pedal is a bit touchy, that is true. I would think that is due to not pushing a clutch just a valve. After a day pushing the clutch every 30 seconds on the old MF 165 I had, my leg felt like it is ready to fall off. Now to the last one. What size bucket do you have?


Anything like mine? I would think that comes due to the low hydraulic oil. Mine only does that little limb thing if I switch between normal and fast dump. I have now 120 hours on my tractor. Pbrogdo, You stole that tractor!!!! That was a good price. I bought a new one 10/19/05.

I have never experienced any problems with mine as far as what you are describing. It's under warranty, i think i'd take it in. The only problem i have experienced and i learned about it on this forum before i ever purchased it was a 'locking-up' of the steering at's like when it's in a bind the steering will lock up until you move the tractor just a tiny bit in either direction. This is obviously typical for this model and really doesn't seem to bother anyone. I must give you some important advise from experience though.

WATCH OUT FOR THE BUMPER/BRUSH GUARD!!!! I had the factory one put on mine and the latch will give away and let the bumper fold forward into you hood/grille/lights.YEP, tore the dog outta my hood.$1,700 for that one-piece hood without the lights. My dealer would turn in a warranty claim and I just today turned in a insurance claim.BIG BUMMER!!!!! Yes I feel like I got a very good price on the tractor img/forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif/img, I have been watching for a year now and am just now able to get the one I wanted. I bought it down in Dodd City Texas at a place called TripleDDDequipment.

New Holland Tc55da Service Manual

The people were quite friendly and honest. They sell off brand tractors but had this one used. Seem like good people. I have read about the front steering 'problem' and about the front guard folding in causing hood damage. I do not consider the front steering issue to be one of concern and have looked at the front grill guard latch.

I have checked the front grill guard and can see where it would unlatch and fold in but THINK the problem may have been from it not being FULLY latched when it is in the up position. The latch has to be 'jiggled' to make it go in all the way, (and I hate it when it won't go in all the way img/forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif/img). With the pins fully inserted I think it would be rather difficult for it to come unlatched but then anything is possible. There is a tractor in Little Rock Ar for sale that is a good deal too (Capital Equipment). It is a 2004 model TC55DA without the EHSS that could most likely be bought for around $22,500. It has approximatly 175 hours on it and comes with a loader, 4X4, R4 tires, grill guard, 2 rear remotes and a real nice canopy.

It can be seen on I almost bought it but I really wanted the EHSS since I plan on working the tractor. I am slowly getting used to the EHSS but still find myself clutching when all I need to do is shift. (Old habits die hard) The tractor is a work horse and I think it will give me MANY years of service, hopefully a lifetime. I am not familiar with tractors that have blinkers and such on them, all it needs is a horn and a mirror and I could drive it to town. It would be real easy to make room for a parking space. Thanks for the replies and information, you have been helpful even when you didn't know it.

Tc55da new holland manuale

You helped me make up my mind on which tractor to buy. I had been going back and forth between the New Holland, a Kabota M5700, 4530, and a John Deere 4720. I have no regrets so far buying a blue tractor. My dad has a little 1600 Ford that he bought back in 1979 and it thinks it is a 100 HP tractor. That little rig has been as tuff as an old barn board.

If this new tractor is half as durable as that little 1600 it will be much man and I will be much satisfied. Take care, Perry img/forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif/img. Perry, you'll get used to the EHSS and like it, I predict. The machine is designed for you to use the reversing lever. Engagement and reversing timing are better with EHSS, and higher engine speeds just make it work smoother.

I have had mine (an older version, 2120) for several months only, but once I got over worrying about it I like it fine. I tend to let off on the foot throttle when reversing, but you definitely don't have to. If you're in too high a gear, the hydraulic clutch packs take a bit longer to engage, self-protection probably.

My clutch pedal actually is a 2-disk clutch, not an inching pedal, so I dunno 'bout that. Welcome, in any case - more blue is more better. I had a 55 and got rid of it.

My bucket did exactly what you described. Dealer had to replace valves. The newer tractors should have a different valve compared to the old least that is what I was told. As far as the EHSS, I found myself always using that foot pedal.if you were not in a high gear or not going slow enough it would just about not your teeth out.I bought a TN-75 and the shifting on it is not even in the same basically can forget about the foot pedal. See what your dealer has to say.

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