13 Days Movie Study Guide Answers

Oct 18, 2015 - Rationale for Using the Movie: Thirteen Days captures the tension that the crisis. Objectives/Student Outcomes Using this Learning Guide: Students will gain. Possible Problems: Substantial: Thirteen Days can be a valuable supplement to the study of the Cold. Suggested Response: Answers will vary. 13 Days: Just how close America came to a nuclear war with the Soviets is explored in this absolutely riveting drama of the 1962 Cuban Missile. (more details for 13 Days) click to order a discounted DVD, Blu-Ray and/or on Demand version of the film.


Extracts from this document. Introduction 14th March 2007 11th Grade Critical Analysis: Comparing the film Thirteen Days Historical Credibility and Accuracy to the actual Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 It may seem nearly impossible to create a firm, appealing thriller out of events where the outcome has already been predestined as they were in reality, during 1962.

Nevertheless the team of directors that assembled this crackling political drama, succeeded. Thirteen Days thrives as a story of the tests of human psychological and intellectual endurance, mostly because it never loses the sense of importance of the situation at hand. With the assistance of his well-formed and experienced cast, director Roger Donaldson barely resorts to exaggeration or unnecessary significance to present the film's account of a conflicted president in the center of international political turmoil. Bruce Greenwood, who plays John F. Kennedy, not only captures JFK's personal aura and physicality, but also gives the former president a distinctive hub of integrity and credibility. There are two ways to look at this motion picture: as a thriller and as a history. Middle There are other genuine questions about some of the photographical choices.

Thirteen Days has no scenes in Moscow or Havana. It makes no attempt to advise why Nikita Khrushchev decided to sneak the missiles into Cuba or, in the end, to withdraw them. Aside from the young mistress with frightened eyes whom O'Donnell sees at the Soviet embassy when he's acting as Robert Kennedy's personal chauffeur, the only Russians who make appearances are diplomats or KGB officers who network directly with Americans. Incidentally, the only ordinary Americans in the movie are O'Donnell's wife and children.

Night Study Guide Answers

Their anxiety has to represent and monument for the entire nations populace. The movie's less-than-perfect historical authenticity is more than balanced by its demonstration of three crucial facts about the missile crisis. The first such accuracy is that it was a real crisis in the medical sense of relating life or death. The film manages to convey, better than any previous performance, the escalating risk of global catastrophe. It accurately reproduces some of the reserved but suffered debate from the secret tapes, and it combines extraordinarily realistic footage of Soviet missile sites being speedily prepared in jungle provinces in Cuba, of American U-2s swooping over them, and of bombers, aircraft carriers, and U.S. Conclusion Undoubtedly, Thirteen Days demonstrates that it is a matter of great importance, on who gets elected to occupy the White House. In conclusion, the verdict on the film, Thirteen Days historical accuracy is mixed.

Thirteen Days is not a substitute for history. No one should see the movie expecting to learn exactly what happened. The movie modifies many small points and a few large ones. In most instances, these inconsistencies are basically the result of compressing into a two-hour film, a thirteen day crisis that had major twists more than once every half-hour. It's rare to see a politically centered movie with this much heart, though Thirteen Days may not be as edgy or risk-taking as one might like, it is undeniably rooted in true emotion one of the rarest things to capture in popular entertainment. Despite this, certain inconsistencies such as exaggerating the Joint Chiefs of Staff military arrogance and played as the 'bad guys' and seeing the movie in only one perspective, hugely distorts the movies credibility and the reality, thus only leading to the end, that Thirteen Days can be seen no more than an engaging first-class thriller rather than a substitute for the authentic historical event.

Chapter 8 Study Guide Answers

This.doc file has questions for students to answer as they watch the movie Thirteen Days, which is about the Cuban Missile Crisis. It also includes a character guide so they can keep track of who's who. This guide also helps students see the different types of advisers the President has (cabinet, military, EOP, etc.) The questions are very basic and not thought provoking. But they do help the students stay alert during the movie and highlight key plot details so that deeper discussion and understanding are possible. The answers are included (they are colored white).

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