Ibps Rrb 2017 Guide

Amazon.in - Buy IBPS RRB-CWE Officers Scale I Preliminary & Main Guide 2017 book online at best prices in India on Amazon.in. Read IBPS RRB-CWE Officers Scale I Preliminary & Main Guide 2017 book reviews & author details and more at Amazon.in. Free delivery on qualified orders. The IBPS RRB 2017 Mains exam are approaching; RRB Officer Mains is scheduled on 5th Nov and RRB Assistant Mains is on 12th Nov. Here’s a preparation guide for general awareness to ace the section in the upcoming IBPS RRB Mains. The previous year cut-off for IBPS RRB Mains Officer.

Ibps Rrb 2017 Result

The IBPS RRB prelims results are out and it’s time to gear up for the mains exam. In this post we will be covering the computer knowledge section in detail. To be precise, the following points would be covered in detail:-. What To Prepare: Syllabus for Computer Knowledge. How to Prepare: Preparation Guide and resources. Bonus: FREE Computer Knowledge E-book that covers it all! Before we move ahead, let’s take a quick look at the following important details about the IBPS RRB Mains Exam 2017. As you can see, in the mains paper there are essentially three sections that are entirely new, that is, we don’t study them for the prelims exam.

Hence while preparing for the IBPS RRB Mains exam we should put this on a higher priority. Keeping that in mind, let us move on to syllabus for this section. IBPS RRB Mains Computer Knowledge Section: Syllabus Computer Knowledge section of IBPS RRB exam would consist of following topics-. History of Computers. Internet. Hardware. Software.

Database Management System. MS Office (Word/ Excel/ Powerpoint).

Important Shortcuts and Abbreviations Let us now discuss how to prepare for this section. IBPS RRB Mains Computer Knowledge Section: How To Prepare Computers form the basis of the working any organisation in today’s age. Thus, a basic level of familiarity with computers and computer concepts is a must for any job seeker.

This is exactly what this section of the exams tests you on. Understand that these bank exam tests don’t require you to be an expert. They just want to make sure that a candidate won’t have a problem carrying out the required work. So use this as an opportunity to not just prepare for the exam but to be a good computer operator. Where to prepare from? Don’t get caught up with proper computer textbooks because they would be of a much higher level than is required for exam preparation purposes.

Ibps Rrb Online Application

Instead, opt for online e-books and capsules that are tailor made for every exam. You should also take regular quizzes on this (available online for free) topic so that you remember it. These quizzes will also give you a fair idea about the kind of questions you can expect in the exam. To aid your preparation, Oliveboard has two free giveaways for you:-. Some Preparation Tips The computer awareness section can be a game changer in this examination.

Ibps Rrb 2017 GuideIbps Rrb 2017 Guide

Ibps Rrb 2017 Question Paper

So, the first thing we would want to say here is that, don’t ignore this section. Follow a systematic & integrated approach: Finish the chapters and keep taking. Revision is an important part of preparation. So, keep revising whatever you learn. Computer knowledge if attempted correctly can prove to be an extremely time-efficient and highly accurate section, and can thus play a major role in clearing the overall cut-offs. Let us know if you have any doubts & queries regarding the exam in the comments section below. Take FREE IBPS RRB Officer & Office Assistant Mock Tests: All the best!

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