Ship Recognition Manual
2015 bmw 335xi 0 60. 5 Starship Recognition Manual Passenger Facilities: Up to 45 civilians The Bader class scout was designed and con-structed by A’Alakor Landiss Inc, an Andorian. The Gorn Ship Recgonition Manual details many of the ships found within the Gorn Hegonomy. This intensive work reveals many of the details concerning the.
B RAD'S COMMENTS: In my opinion the Klingon Ship Recognition Manual is far and away the most interesting of the three that FASA produced for the STSTCS. The designs themselves are excellent, and the writing very imaginative (although apocryphal when compared to current trek canon). Many of the ships in this manual look very 'realistic' in that they adhere to the classic Klingon design philosophy established with the original D7 model ship that appeared in ST:TOS; something that I don't think either the Federation or the Romulan manuals did very well, especially the Federation manual. Like all the old FASA manuals, this one was made thoroughly outdated by the Next Generation and Deep Space Nine television series, as well as movies like Star Trek VI and Star Trek Generations. There was a late effort to bring the Klingon situation up to date with the introduction of the FASA-produced Next Generation Officer's Manual, but as with the older Klingon Empire recognition manual, the lone Klingon design in the TNG Officer's Manual is apocryphal, having little or no basis in the actual television program. Unless otherwise noted, all of the ships listed here can be found in the FASA Klingon Ship Recognition Manual 2nd Edition.
Those ships which originate from other sources, such as the FASA TNG Officer's Manual, or Stardate Magazine's Jaynz files, have been designated accordingly. See the legend. NOTE: where possible, I tried to scan each ship at as high a resolution as I reasonably could. But the original format of the drawings in the FASA manuals typically makes this very difficult.

The designers at FASA used an old black and white layout trick where the 'gray' color that shades the ships is not gray at all, but instead composed of thousands of tiny black dots on a field of white. The net effect viewed from afar by the human eye is that of 'grayness' but the scanner picks up every last dot and it takes a lot of softening/blurring and reduction via Paintshop Pro to get the ships to look halfway decent. Even then, the images sometimes don't come out nearly as crisp as I'd like.
So if things seem a teeny bit fuzzy around the edges, or if the graphics don't look exactly as they did on paper, please understand that I did what I could with what I've got. In some lucky cases I have been able to find large-scale graphics from other sources for well-known canon ships (like the Constitution Refit/Enterprise & Reliant/Miranda). These graphics produce superior scans when compared to the Ship Recognition Manuals, and I have necessarily replaced the poor FASA graphics with crisp, better looking images that have been cropped, resized, and shaded manually.
Denotes ship class included with FASA Next Generation Officer's Manual ⁿ Denotes ship class from the Next Generation era that is officially part of Star Trek canon, but which was not included in any of the FASA manuals. May include canon designs from Deep Space Nine And Voyager television series, as well as Next Generation era Star Trek feature films.
ª Denotes ship class of purely fan origin; also known as a 'fanship'. Not part of official Star Trek canon and never appeared in any FASA material. ∆ Denotes ship class that appeared as a Jaynz entry in Stardate magazine. Considered somewhat official by FASA standards, but not necessarily canon by contemporary Star Trek standards.
FASA Klingon Ship Recognition Manual Volumes I and II Illustrator: Forest G. Brown Copyright: 1985 Summary: GENERAL NOTES: CLASSIFIED AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY The Klingon Ship Recognition Manual is intended for Star Fleet personnel with a 'need to know' concerning information on the Imperial Klingon Navy. This comprehensive study discloses, for the first time, all known combat, visual, and historical data on 42 different Klingon ships and their variants. Also included is a chronology of service and silhouette recognition chart. This manual is a must for all Star Trek enthusiasts.
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Romulan Ship Recognition Manual
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