Kindergarten Curriculum Guide

A Kindergarten Curriculum Guide for Indian Children: A Bilingual-Bicultural Approach. National Association for the Education of Young Children, Washington,. Completely Kindergarten: Kindergarten Curriculum Guide – Interim Edition Note: all links below are PDFs and will open in a new window. Completely Kindergarten Cover.

Common Core Posters Whether you teach Pre-K or Kindergarten these lesson plans provide a great deal of flexibility to meet your common core standards. Many districts are required to post the common core standards that are the focus of their daily instruction. Each poster below includes a picture related to the Kinderplans lesson plan program so that you can quickly refer to these to see how the objectives are met. These are written in 'kid friendly' language. Many of the thumbnail pictures refer to either an emergent reader or activity found within the program that assists in meeting the curriculum outcomes. Reading Literature These outcomes are based on fictional reading selections.

Many of the emergent readers (over 100) found within the program correspond to a literature selection but at the emergent reader level. The literature selections and follow-up emergent readers will meet many of these common core outcomes.

Reading Informational Text The outcomes are similar to the above but refer to informational text. Many of the themes within the program are informational in their content. Reading Skills These outcomes are the core of learning to read.

Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines

The majority of these outcomes would be met through using 'The Alphabet Program' and follow-up literacy center suggestions. Language Standards in Both Writing and Speaking These are outcomes are what is expected of a Pre-K student in terms of language usage in both their verbal and written output. Writing Standards - Creativity and Organization Conventions used for writing are outlined in the 'Language Standards' module.

These basically refer to the creative and organization of written ideas. Listening and Speaking Standards Outlined in these posters are the expectations of a Pre-K student in terms of their speaking and listening ability.

Kindergarten Curriculum Guide

Download Pre-Kindergarten Common Core Math Posters In the links below you will find the Kindergarten common core math posters that can be displayed in your classroom. The Kinderplans Math Focus program was developed to help you meet the majority of these outcomes, it is included in your membership. Counting and Cardinality These outcomes are related to a child's ability to count, recognize and print numbers and making sense of these numbers and how they are used within their environment.


Operations and Algebraic Thinking These outcomes are related to a child's ability to add and subtract. Number and Operations in Base 10 There is only one outcome in this math strand and it is achieved through using ten frames. Measurement and Data In this strand the students are required to measure the length, width and weight of objects. These outcomes can be met throughout the different themes found in the program. Geometry These outcomes could be worked on throughout the year.

Craft and building projects offer a great opportunity for hands on experience to achieve these outcomes.

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