Os Lab Manual Third Semester Polytechnic
Department of Computer Science & Engineering Estd: 2008 Intake: 40 Shri. Head of Department E - Mail: Staff Members Sl.No Name of the Staff Qualification Designation 1. Shri.Iranna N. Hadimani BE HOD 2. Shri.Ravindra M. Totagi BE Lecturer 3. Miss.Jyoti R.
Second Year/ SEM III/ II EEE I SEM C & M LAB MANUAL(EE242) - (ES361ME). 2, Third Year/ SEM V/ III EEE I SEM CS LAB MANUAL(EE332) - (PC552EE).
Bolannavar BE Lecturer 4. Hadimani BE,M.Tech. Miss.Pooja S.
Hukkeri Dip.C.Sc Instructor Subjects Offered FIRST YEAR: SUBJECTS Semester - I Semester - II 1. Applied Mathematics 1 1. Applied Mathematics-II 2. Applied Science 2.
English Communication 3. Concepts of EEE 3. Digital Electronics 4. To Computer Concpets 4. Programming With C 5.
Applied Science Lab 5. Digital Lab 6. Basic Electronics Lab 6. Programming With C Lab 7. Multimedia Lab SECOND YEAR: SUBJECTS Semester - III Semester - IV 1. Computer Organization 1. OOP with C 2.
Data Structure using C 2. Computer Networks 3. Operating System 4. Data Structure Lab 4. Software Engineering 5.
Computer H/w and Networking Lab 5. OOP with C Lab 6. Web Design Lab 7. Linux Lab THIRD YEAR: SUBJECTS Semester - V Semester - VI 1. Software Engineering 1. Java Programming 2. Network Security 3.
Web Technology 3. Mobile Computing 4. Web Technology Lab 4. ASP.Net Lab 6. Project Work-II 7. Project Work-1 3 YEARS ( 6 Semesters) DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING: The aim of Diploma Course in Computer Science and Engineering at KLE'S Polytechnic, Bailhongal is to strive for excellence in creating, applying and imparting knowledge in computer science and engineering through comprehensive educational programmes and service to professional societies, the community and the Nation. This department has the unique distinction of being the first to offer a Diploma course in Computer Science.

Highly qualified & dynamic staff motivates the students through mini projects & competitions. The exhaustive course has been designed to meet the demands of the current trend of an IT industry.
This course enables to develop students in core competency areas of,. Data structures. Advanced Microprocessors. Database Management System. System Software. Software Engineering.
Web Technology. Mobile Computing. Computer Networks and Network Security.
C, C, JAVA, ORACLE, VISUAL BASIC, ASP.NET, LINUX etc. PC Hardware and Network Administration. The department is well furnished with latest technology and computers and has advanced computational facilities like internet and intranet. Prospects: On completion of 3 year Diploma in Computer Science and Engineering, the student has following opportunities;.
Can continue higher education like B. E., by taking direct admission to 3rd semester, BBA, BCA, AMIE etc. Can have the placement in government, Semi-government, public or private sectors as technical engineers in hardware and software. Can works as programmer in banking sector, technical and non-technical colleges, schools, national and international software development companies. Can be posted as system administrators, database administrators and hardware engineers in the field of servicing sector.
Cse Lab Manuals II B.Tech. (CSE) 1st Semester Labs (R16) 2nd Semester Labs (R16).
Data Structures through C Lab. Computer Organization Lab. Object Oriented Programming through Java Lab. Database Management Systems Lab. IT Workshop.
Os Lab Manual Third Semester Polytechnic Institute
Operating Systems Lab. Gender Sensitization Lab III B.Tech. (CSE) 1st Semester Labs (R15) 2nd Semester Labs (R15). Compiler Design Lab. Case Tools & Web Technologies Lab.
Operating Systems Lab. Advanced Communication Skills Lab IV B.Tech.( CSE ) 1st Semester Labs (R13). Linux Programming Lab.
Data Warehousing & Mining Lab.