Centurion Smartguard Keypad System Manual

  1. For standalone access control at an entrance to a property, or inside a building, CENTURION offers the SMARTGUARD keypad which affordably delivers.
  2. Categories: ACCESS CONTROL, Centurion Systems Tag: CENTURION SMARTGUARD – HARD-WIRED ACCESS CONTROL KEYPAD Description The SMARTGUARD keypad can accommodate up to 1000 unique PIN codes with any user-defined length from one to ten digits.
  1. Centurion Smartguard Keypad System Manual

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Description Stand alone keypad for cost effective keyless access control. The SmartGUARD keypad has been designed to provide all the power and functionality required for high security keyless access control. It is fully weatherproof and manufactured using the latest in high tech engineering polymers to be a robust, durable and affordable product.

The versatility of SmartGUARD makes the list of applications almost endless, ranging from banks, hotels and storage facilities through to general home use. The power of the SMARTGUARD keypad has been further expanded making it an even more effective access control tool.

Centurion Smartguard Keypad System Manual

The keypad can now be interfaced with the CHRONOLOG event logging and time barring unit. In many applications access control applications today it is necessary to maintain a record of the personnel that have accessed a particular area and at what time. This is necessary for perusal at a later stage should an incident arise. The SMARTGUARD combined with the CHRONOLOG can now provide this capability. Click here for refer information on the powers of the CHRONOLOG.

Features and benefits:. SMARTGUARDair for wireless, easy installations. Operating range of up to 30m. Up to two years of battery life with up to 300 uses per day.

Up to 1000 unique 1 to 10 digit codes for greater security and versatility in a multi user application (up to 10 billion permutations). Selectively add and delete user codes – easy administration of multi user system. Memory backup facility – guarantees data security. Multiple outputs for improved functionality.

Optional SMART switch – prevents ‘hot-wiring’ of the system. Anti-hack feature – prevents access through vandalism. Various alarm conditions including duress and panic – increases situational safety. Programmable down counter allows a limited number of accesses. Elegant sturdy construction – for greater durability. Weatherproof – suitable for both interior and exterior use. Backlit keypad with audible feedback – improved usability in dark conditions.

Optional anti-tamper switch – provides warning of physical tampering. Optional interface with CHRONOLOG event logging and time barring unit. Optional anti-knock shield manufactured from brushed 304 stainless steel – provides greater resistance against vandalism. Available in a range of different colours (black, grey and beige).

Centurion Smartguard Keypad System Manual

Centurion Smartguard Access Control Keypad 1000 users This access control keypad can accommodate up to 1000 unique PIN codes with any user-defined length from one to ten digits. Simple code programming User codes can also be selectively deleted without affecting other codes stored in the memory.

This makes administering your access control database so quick and easy. Limited Use Codes The keypad also boasts a 'downcounter' allowing selected codes to have a limited number of uses. This is ideal for granting single occasion access, for example to an armed response company, with the code automatically deleting itself after use. Multiple Outputs There are three separate outputs, each configurable to either latching or non-latching. Such functionality caters for many different scenarios for example, a motorised gate entrance may be opened fully using one code, activate the pedestrian opening another, and switching on the house alarm using a third.

Smartswitch Ready The addition of the optional CENTURION SmartSwitch maximises security and ensures that even with the keypad mounted outside the property, it cannot be 'hot-wired' and the integrity of the site jeopardised. Customers also bought.

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