Study Guide Lifespan Development Boyd
Bee & Boyd, Lifespan Development, Chapter 9. 1.
Chapter 9: Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood. In This Chapter. Physical Changes Growth and Motor Development From 6 to 12 General growth Large muscle coordination Fine motor control Eye-hand coordination improvement How did you grow during middle childhood?

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Lifespan Development Textbook
CHAPTER 1: Basic Concepts and Methods The Scientific Study of Human Development Developmental psychology = scientific study of age-related changes in our bodies, behaviour, thinking, emotions, social relationships, & personalities Before using scientific method, philosophers based their ideas off of spiritual authorities, deductive logic, & general philosophy o Why do babies, who are born similar, grow up to be so different? Original Sin – Christian doctrine (Augustine) All humans born with selfish & stubborn nature In order to avoid sinful tendencies we must lead a disciplined life It is the parent’s job to restrain/correct child’s immoral tendencies II. Blank Slate (John Locke) Empiricism Humans possess no innate tendencies, all differences are due to experience Child’s mind is a blank slate Adults can mold children however they want Differences among adults due to differences in childhood environments III.
Innate Goodness (Jean-Jacques Rousseau) We are naturally good, seek out experiences that will help us grow Children only need protection & nurturing in order to reach full potential Good outcome when environment does NOT interfere Poor outcome when child gets frustrated with expressing innate goodness Charles Darwin We understand human development by studying child development Kept ‘baby biographies’ first organized studies of human development G.