Study Guide Lifespan Development Boyd

Bee & Boyd, Lifespan Development, Chapter 9. 1.

  1. Lifespan Development Textbook

Chapter 9: Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood. In This Chapter. Physical Changes Growth and Motor Development From 6 to 12  General growth  Large muscle coordination  Fine motor control  Eye-hand coordination improvement How did you grow during middle childhood?

Study Guide Lifespan Development Boyd

450 john deere crawler parts. Arnett Human Development 1e; Boyd_Cover_6e.jpg Boyd and Bee Lifespan Development 6e; Craig_Dunn_Cover.jpg Craig and Dunn Understanding Human.

Lifespan Development Textbook

CHAPTER 1: Basic Concepts and Methods The Scientific Study of Human Development  Developmental psychology = scientific study of age-related changes in our bodies, behaviour, thinking, emotions, social relationships, & personalities  Before using scientific method, philosophers based their ideas off of spiritual authorities, deductive logic, & general philosophy o Why do babies, who are born similar, grow up to be so different? Original Sin – Christian doctrine (Augustine)  All humans born with selfish & stubborn nature  In order to avoid sinful tendencies we must lead a disciplined life  It is the parent’s job to restrain/correct child’s immoral tendencies II. Blank Slate (John Locke)  Empiricism  Humans possess no innate tendencies, all differences are due to experience  Child’s mind is a blank slate  Adults can mold children however they want  Differences among adults due to differences in childhood environments III.

Innate Goodness (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)  We are naturally good, seek out experiences that will help us grow  Children only need protection & nurturing in order to reach full potential  Good outcome when environment does NOT interfere  Poor outcome when child gets frustrated with expressing innate goodness Charles Darwin  We understand human development by studying child development  Kept ‘baby biographies’  first organized studies of human development G.

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